Early and detailed planning is key to a cost efficient project with minimum risk.
Users who are running plants with antiquated automation systems need help to navigate the once-in-a-generation challenge of a major modernization. Our modernization team offers services and solutions to support your controls migration challenges.
Some of the key resources and services we can bring to your project:
• Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) Studies
• Conversion tools for legacy control system databases, process graphics, and control logic
• Automated documentation of legacy control systems
• Business case development using new technology; DeltaV Electronic Marshaling
• Budgetary estimating for Total Installed and Commissioned Cost (TICC)
• Pros and Cons analysis of various installation options
• Cutover planning (Hot and Cold commissioning)
• Comprehensive commissioning assistance and loop tuning
• Advanced Alarm Analysis and planning
• Process expertise
In the age of Digital Transformation, now is the time to think beyond typical brownfield projects. It is time to redefine traditional best practices with transformational thinking to drive risk and capital efficiency even lower.