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Cash Valve E-55 High Capacity Pressure Regulating Valve
E-55 High Capacity Pressure Regulating Valve
Pressure regulators for water and air services designed for high capacity, variable flow rates and accurate regulation
Cash Valve E-55 High Capacity Pressure Regulating Valve


Valve Size
NPS 1-1/2 / DN 40, NPS 1-1/4 / DN 32, NPS 2 / DN 50, NPS 3/4 / DN 20, NPS 1/2 / DN 15, NPS 1 / DN 25
Product Type
Pressure Reducing Regulators


  • Handles high and variable flow rates well beyond the limitations of ordinary regulators.
  • Aspirated design for close pressure control.
  • Balanced piston design provides sensitive operation, close regulation over wide fluctuations in inlet pressure and assures quiet performance.
  • Simple design for easy maintenance and repair.
  • Inbuilt strainer screen protects working parts and is easily cleaned.
  • Optional construction for cryogenic service.


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