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PolyOil Polymer Rotary Brush
The PolyOil® Polymer Rotary Bush keeps the tubing centralized whilst providing a protective enclosure for the umbilicals in the event of a kick or rig motion as they pass through the rotary table.
The modular design allows for easy access and installation. Compared to traditional metal solutions, the Rotary Bush is lighter, has no moving parts, and will not damage sensitive components going through the Rotary Kelly Bushing.
PolyOil Polymer Rotary Brush


Completion Running


  • Lightweight and easier to handle than metal.
  • Prevents damage to sensitive parts.
  • No moving parts, making it safer to operate.
  • Variants of standard designs or special applications can be delivered within short delivery times.
  • Goes through the rotary kelly bushing – an adapter that serves to connect the rotary table to the kelly.


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