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Rosemount™ Oxygen Sensor Mounting Accessories
rosemount bb-11
The Floating Ball and Handrail Mounting Systems are designed to be used with the Rosemount 499ADO Dissolved Oxygen Sensor and any liquid sensors with a 1 in.
rear MNPT connection. The Floating Ball System maintains constant sensor depth and supports sensor weight with reserve capacity. The Handrail Mounting System is a complete mounting system with versatile attachment options.
Rosemount™ Oxygen Sensor Mounting Accessories


Wetted Material
Flexible Poly Vinyl Chloride, PVC
Temperature Range
32°F to 140°F (0°C to 60°C)
Size (Diameter x Length)
11 x 13 inches (28 x 33 cm)
Minimum Sensor Insertion Depth Into Process
13 inches (33 cm) to 17 inches (43 cm) depending on sensor and assembly, see Product Detail Sheet for details.
Sensor Compatibility
1 inch MNPT on sensor cable end
Weight/Shipping Weight
5 lbs/6 lb. (2.5 kg/3.0 kg) [rounded to the nearest 1 lb. (0.5 kg)]


  • Compatible with Rosemount 499ADO Dissolved Oxygen Sensor and any sensor with a 1 in. rear MNPT connection
  • Maintains constant sensor depth regardless of changes in liquid or tank level
  • Extended buoyancy supports sensor weight with reserve capacity


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