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Process Monitoring | BlueMarvel Process Monitoring | BlueMarvel

Keep it hot.


Monitor your rotary kilns for abnormalities & inefficiencies.

Monitoring the behaviour of 400 ft. long rotary kilns is both time consuming and difficult. Automatically identify abnormalities with Kiln.

Real-time Monitoring
Visualize a and monitor temperature
anomalies in real time with easy-touse

Actionable Intelligence
Turn plant data and information
into actionable intelligence.

Simple Tracking
Observe historical kiln temperature
profifiles and overlay process
parameters to troubleshoot
process and equipment events.

Automated Alerts
Confifigure automated alerts to
detect anomalies and proactively
identify known failure modes.

Fast, Easy Reporting
Set up custom views and generate
reports with just a few clicks.

Multi-Site Benchmarking
Look at aggregated data across
a flfleet of operations or drill into a
single site.


Temperature Profile

  • Observe historical kiln temp. profiles

  • Overlay important process parameters

  • Filter by site, date, kiln, and more!

Abnormality Detection

  • Computer vision to automate anomaly detection

  • Locate your rings and hotspots

  • Remove anomalies and increase efficiency

Kiln KPIs

  • Identify your operating efficiency

  • Trend important process variables


BlueMarvel.ProcessMonitoring is a cutting-edge solution designed to address the critical challenges faced by industries such as pulp and paper and cement manufacturing in monitoring rotary kilns. These kilns play a pivotal role in these sectors, and any temperature anomalies along their external shells can significantly affect efficiency and reliability. 

BlueMarvel.ProcessMonitoring cloud-native application employs thermal cameras and advanced computer vision technology to monitor the kiln’s shell temperature continuously. Doing so detects real-time abnormalities, which are early indicators of potential issues and inefficiencies in kiln operations. This proactive approach enables predictive maintenance strategies, allowing for timely intervention and reduced unplanned downtime, ultimately optimizing downstream processes. With a focus on asset integrity and operational excellence, BlueMarvel.ProcessMonitoring empowers teams to maintain kiln health and maximize efficiency, translating into cost savings and increased productivity for these critical industrial assets. 

Application Focus

1. Reduce unplanned downtime, production bottlenecks, and maintenance costs associated with rotary kiln operations and management.
2. Enable sustainable improvements by
measuring, documenting, and reporting
historical and current performance.
3. Create greater situational awareness for operating, reliability, and maintenance
4. Support plant turnaround and downtime decision-making and planning.

About BlueMarvel

BlueMarvel AI is an Alberta-based Industrial Operations Applied AI solutions company. We combine our deep knowledge of operating challenges - existing and emerging - with technological solution development expertise to help Operating Functions capture value through applied AI.

Our capabilities are put to work in a number of ways, but the goal remains consistent. We generate insights and predictions that are of particular importance to the industrial process industry: Sustainability, Safety, Throughput, and Cost. After all, it's all the outcomes that matter.

Currently, process control systems gather and securely transmit process data for computation. This hard-coded approach is ripe for disruption by adaptive self-learning solutions. As AI transforms industries, early adopters stand to gain the most.

BlueMarvel AI draws on its deep knowledge of operations technology, industrial process control, and risk management to assist an Operator's drive for excellence. We have walked in our customers' shoes. We connect outcomes to their key drivers. We generate predictive insight to help decision-makers improve results.

BlueMarvel AI is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta and is a proud subsidiary of Spartan Controls

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