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OTSupport | BlueMarvel OTSupport | BlueMarvel

Revolutionizing OT device and systems support
by centralizing vital diagnostic data from smart OT equipment.

Centralized OT Device Diagnostic Data & KPIs
Democratize t the access and use
of OT device diagnostics.

Multi-Site Benchmarking
Look at aggregated data across
a flfleet of operations or drill into a
single site.

Real-Time Monitoring
Visualize critical performance KPIs in real time.

Automated Alerts
Get automated alerts so you
can identify and prioritize
needs quickly.

Fast, Easy Reporting
Set up custom views and
generate reports with just a
few clicks.

Improve Device and
System Reliability
Identify problems early
and avoid critical failures.


 In the realm of industrial plants, where the reliability of Operations Technology (OT) is paramount, BlueMarvel.OTSupport emerges as a game-changer. Industrial devices and systems used in manufacturing have grown functionality and intelligence, producing onboard diagnostic information and metadata that is underutilized. Some examples are modern instrumentation, valves, automation systems, and electrical equipment like drives and smart power meters. Typically, the diagnostic information remains stranded in these assets and is used by site technicians for local support, but this data never leaves the device typically.

Our application revolutionizes OT device and systems support by centralizing vital diagnostic data from smart OT equipment. This enables organizations to drive centralized work processes associated with managing and maintaining this equipment. Ultimately, this enhances plant safety, reliability, and availability while lowering maintenance costs associated with this equipment. 

BlueMarvel.OTSupport ensures your OT assets are consistently dependable, eliminating unplanned downtime and production disruptions. It streamlines support and maintenance, optimizing efficiency while curbing expenses. 

Streamline the management of OT systems and devices, whether on-site or remote. BlueMarvel.OTSupport offers centralized control and collaboration, securing the future of Operations Technology.

Application Focus

1. Unlock device and system
data from modern operations

2. Consolidate reports on OT device
and system health.
3. Centralized, real-time monitoring
for maintaining critical OT
4. Report on smart device status and
health – Smart valves, instruments,
analyzers, electric drives, power
meters, and a host of other smart
plant equipment.
5. Improved visibility to OT systems
health – automation & SIS,
electrical, Fire & Gas, and Heat
Trace as examples.

Our Solution

A cloud-native application that mobilizes diagnostic data typically stranded within smart operational technology (OT), making it available to stakeholders through industrial organizations to support and maintain these technologies.

By harnessing this stranded data, organizations can enhance their support and maintenance operations, leading to increased reliability and availability of their devices and systems. This approach optimizes the use of existing resources and contributes to overall plant reliability and availability.

By using this data to improve the reliability of devices and plant OT systems, organizations can better identify and mitigate risks associated with untimely OT devices and system failures. Maintenance and support of these assets can be proactively managed before faults or failures disrupt production or cause plant risk or health and safety concerns.


OTSupport - Smart Devices are only valuable if someone
is listening, and now you have a way to hear them »

About BlueMarvel

BlueMarvel AI is an Alberta-based Industrial Operations Applied AI solutions company. We combine our deep knowledge of operating challenges - existing and emerging - with technological solution development expertise to help Operating Functions capture value through applied AI.

Our capabilities are put to work in a number of ways, but the goal remains consistent. We generate insights and predictions that are of particular importance to the industrial process industry: Sustainability, Safety, Throughput, and Cost. After all, it's all the outcomes that matter.

Currently, process control systems gather and securely transmit process data for computation. This hard-coded approach is ripe for disruption by adaptive self-learning solutions. As AI transforms industries, early adopters stand to gain the most.

BlueMarvel AI draws on its deep knowledge of operations technology, industrial process control, and risk management to assist an Operator's drive for excellence. We have walked in our customers' shoes. We connect outcomes to their key drivers. We generate predictive insight to help decision-makers improve results.

BlueMarvel AI is headquartered in Calgary, Alberta and is a proud subsidiary of Spartan Controls

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