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AMS Optics AMS Optics
Prioritize and deliver relevant asset health information to the right people at the right time

Prioritize and deliver relevant asset health information to the right people at the right time

Data spread across the enterprise and isolated in silos makes it difficult to identify issues impacting asset availability.  With AMS Optics, an asset performance platform for managing enterprise asset health, data is combined from multiple applications into asset-centric information to deliver persona-based alerts and KPIs. 

AMS Optics has real-time automated data collection from assets within the plant  funneled into diagnostics and analytics platforms to help visualize, analyze, and predict performance. With this actionable data, plant service and maintenance is seamless with CMMS integrations and workflows. This platform makes staying on top of asset health in the plant easier than ever before. 

Spend less time collecting data and more time applying it

AMS Optics connects data from multiple applications into asset-centric information to deliver persona-based alerts and KPIs for production assets. These applications are used to monitor, analyze, diagnose, and repair rotating equipment, instruments, and valves for improved decision making.

Connect, Collect, and Contextualize

Connect different data sources to the platform and store the data for analysis and decision making.

Visualize and Analyze Enterprise Data

Provide a persona based visualization, notification, and analytical tools.

Collaborate and Manage Workflow

Enable collaborative engagement between personas and drive a closed loop work practice.

Connect, collect, and contextualize your data with minimal configuration

AMS Optics delivers native data connectors that can automatically contextualize data with minimal configuration. With these connectors comes the ability to monitor asset health and capture all asset parameters and properties. Due to the low level of configuration, you can immediately start seeing insights and driving actions.
Make informed decisions on field devices with predictive maintenance
AMS Device Manager

Make informed decisions on field devices with predictive maintenance

Collecting information with AMS Device Manager helps avoid unnecessary downtime and prevents inefficient practices that eat away at your bottom line. Based on real-time condition data from your intelligent field devices, plant staff can respond fast and make informed decisions on whether to maintain or replace field devices.

Get a comprehensive view with an accurate diagnosis
AMS Machinery Manager

Get a comprehensive view with an accurate diagnosis

Gathering data from AMS Machinery Manager enables you to understand the health of your rotating mechanical assets and plan for repairs rather than react to failures. Your facility can achieve increased availability and performance from production assets, rather than experience expensive downtime and costly repairs.

Asset management for industrial machinery simplified
AMS Machine Works

Asset management for industrial machinery simplified

You collect data from many machines, but having a single location where the data comes together and identifying troublemakers quickly would be more efficient.

Expand visibility into asset health
Plantweb Insight

Expand visibility into asset health

Combine asset health data collected through Plantweb Insight which is engineered with first-principled analytics. 

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Visualize current asset health and analyze historical data to drive action

AMS Optics is able to provide real-time actionable information and insights about abnormal situations to improve operational performance. Also, using machine learning, artificial intelligence, and root-cause analyses, you can be proactive when maintaining your plant and intervene before assets are underperforming or require shut down.
Unlock the Full Potential of Your Assets
Aspen Mtell

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Assets

With the Aspen Mtell Data Collector for AMS Optics, users can capitalize on the capabilities of two powerful industrial software platforms – Aspen Mtell and  AMS Optics. Enhance asset reliability and performance with early warnings and real-time actionable insights, combined with closed-loop workflow capabilities. 


Increase collaboration and manage workflows more efficiently

The AMS Optics mobile application delivers relevant information to your mobile device of choice so you stay connected to what is going on in your facility. AMS Optics enables better collaboration by creating messages based on observations and analysis from the field and assigning workflow tasks. The mobile app can connect to multiple AMS Optics systems to allow users to view the status of the enterprise from a single app featuring a dashboard summary of KPIs tailored to the connected data sources.
Increase collaboration and manage workflows more efficiently
AMS Optics Mobile App

Increase collaboration and manage workflows more efficiently

The AMS Optics mobile application delivers relevant information to your mobile device of choice so you stay connected to what is going on in your facility. AMS Optics enables better collaboration by creating messages based on observations and analysis from the field and assigning workflow tasks. The mobile app can connect to multiple AMS Optics systems to allow users to view the status of the enterprise from a single app featuring a dashboard summary of KPIs tailored to the connected data sources.


Unhealthy Assets

Easily identify unhealthy assets and quickly understand the severity of an event with automatic health scores

Overdue Calibrations

View calibrations scheduled in AMS Device Manager Calibration Management

Watch List

Display a personalized list of assets that you want to closely monitor

Overdue Routes

Identify routes that are scheduled in AMS Machinery Manager

Active Messages

See all unread system and user-generated messages regarding that asset

Down Units

Determine offline prediction units from AMS Machinery Manager

Open Notifications

Easily track work notifications and work orders from open to closed status

Serious Problems

Track AMS Machinery Manager “serious” open case histories
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