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DeltaV™ Smart Switches
PDP_DeltaV Smart Switches
The next generation of DeltaV™ Smart Switches are designed with a focus on enhancing security and improving performance in today’s hostile environments.
They are built-for-purpose commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components and lower the cost with DeltaV-specific software and features. These features are designed to ensure easier integration and plug-and-play readiness in the DeltaV Area Control Network (ACN) and other networks external to the ACN. The next generation of DeltaV Smart Switches are built on a more robust platform with more powerful CPUs for Control Plane and Management operation.
DeltaV™ Smart Switches


Network Storm Protection
Network Storm Protection Packet rate limiting enabled with fixed rate setting and network loop protection.
Front panel LEDs, signal contact in addition to DeltaV Network Device Command Center: DeltaV Smart Switches also support internal log-files and syslog servers
No setup is required for switching functions. DeltaV Network Device Command Center application is for diagnostic and alerts
DeltaV Auto port lockdown, view-only Network Device Command Center for monitoring: All user access is authenticated using local DeltaV user passwords
Standard DeltaV network redundancy
Real-time clock. The switch supports Network Time Servers as a client
Conformal Coating
Applicable to the FP40- and 50-Series extended specification models only
Harsh Area Rating to G3
G2 rating. FP40- and 50-Series extended specification models can be used in G3 environments, but they are not certified to G3.
Operating Temperature
FP40- and 50-Series based on standard models: 0 to 60° C (32 to 140° F). FP40- and -50 Series based on extended specifications: -40 to 70° C (-40 to 158° F). RM200-Series and the RM2040: -10° C to 60 ° C (14 to 140° F)
Storage Temperature
FP40- and -50 Series: -40 to 70° C (-40 to 158° F). RM200-Series and the RM2040: -40 to 70° C (-40 to 158° F)
Relative humidity
1 to 95%, non-condensing
15g, 11ms, 18 Shocks
1 mm peak-to-peak from 2 Hz to 13.2 Hz, 1 g from 16 Hz to 150 Hz


  • New and Improved HW and SW platform with more focus on Security and improved performance
  • Completely managed by DeltaV™ systems
  • Network alerts and diagnostics automatically reported to DeltaV workstations
  • Can be installed on the network between the DeltaV workstations and the Emerson Smart Firewall (DeltaV 2.5 network)
  • Plug-and-play installation
  • Auto security lockdown
  • A full line of Industrial Rated Fanless Switches
  • Fully supported by Emerson


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