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DeltaV™ M-series Controller Interface for RS3™ I/O
PDP_DeltaV M-series Controller Interface for RS3 IO
This solution provides an upgrade to the RS3™ ControlFile with DeltaV™ controllers using the M-series DeltaV Controller Interface for RS3 I/O.
This solution incorporates RS3 I/O to be integrated into the DeltaV architecture. The ”heart” of the controller interface is a new DeltaV module that supports the serial I/O communication capacity of the RS3 ControlFile. This DeltaV Controller Interface allows you to us RS3 I/O with DeltaV controllers and reduces the footprint.
DeltaV™ M-series Controller Interface for RS3™ I/O


Serial I/O channels
Baud rate
10.4 Kbaud
Power requirement (VE5008 deltaV system power supply)
+12.0 VDC at 1.1 A
maximum current
fuse protection
3.0 A, non-replaceale fuses
power dissipation
13.2 W typical, 17 W maximum


  • Allows you to use RS3™ I/O with DeltaV™ controllers
  • Opens the door to new technology
  • Reduces footprint
  • Complete integration
  • HART® device support
  • Maximize your display engineering efficiency


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