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DeltaV™ OPC History Server
PDP_DeltaV OPC History Server
The DeltaV™ OPC History Server makes it easy for external applications to retrieve historical data from the DeltaV system using an industry standard, open interface.
The server is built upon the latest OPC Historical Data Access specification and provides external client access to the DeltaV Continuous Historian. The DeltaV OPC History Service also enables external applications to programmatic write non-DeltaV historical data into the DeltaV Continuous Historian.


  • Historical data transfer from the DeltaV™ Continuous Historian
  • Browsable Interface
  • Raw, interpolated and calculated data
  • Remote viewing of historical data
  • Available on the ProfessionalPLUS Station and Application Station
  • Programmatic collection of non-DeltaV™ historical data


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