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30 Minutes or Less: Electrifying your DP Level Measurements

  • Webinar
    Aug 31, 2022
    45 Minutes | 10:00 AM

Welcome to 30 Minutes or Less: A webinar series hosted by our Measurement Solutions team which covers topics such as advanced instrumentation configuration, technology selection, industry best practices, and much more. As the name implies, we promise to keep these webinars short, sweet, and to the point to save you time and provide you the most useful information.

In our upcoming webinar, we will walk through the process of “electrifying” your Differential Pressure (“DP”) Level Measurements through the use of Electronic Remote Sensors (“ERS.”)

Conventional DP Level measurements previously relied on Dry Legs and/or Wet Legs for operation. With recent advancements, we have removed the need for either and have instead linked two Rosemount 3051S pressure transmitters together, electronically. For our customers, this means improved performance, simplified maintenance and inventory, and additional process insights.


  • Theory of Operation for DP Level Transmitters
  • Dry Legs, Wet Legs, and Diaphragm Seals
  • Tuned versus Balanced Systems
  • Electrifying with Remote Sensors

In 30 Minutes or Less, you’ll better understand the challenges associated with conventional DP Level measurements, the different types of DP Level systems, and the benefits of Electronic Remote Sensors. Hope to see you all there!